Ibrahim Pasha Mosque
Ibrahim Pasha Mosque
Located at Sofokleous square, this mosque continues to function to this day. The inscription featured above the complex’s main entrance bears witness to the date of its construction:… 1540, making it one of the earliest Muslim monuments of the Medieval City of Rhodes. This new mosque, was commissioned by Sultan Suleiman, son of Sultan Selim the Victor.
Two porches, succeeded by a 12 square meters hall, constitute the area of worship. The building’s interior, austere and unpretentious in its decoration, contrasts the general trend for flamboyance of Muslim monuments, hence its approximation to the style adopted for Reçep Pasha Mosque (the latter being, nevertheless, off limits to visitors of the Medieval City). The minaret had over the centuries suffered serious decay, until the ‘30s, where restoration works were commissioned under the Italian rule.